Friday, May 10, 2013

Format Update

For the record, I have gone back through the lesson ideas I have created so far and made a few modifications:
  • I formalized the entries by starting with a Problem Statement at the beginning of each entry.  This is more representative of the type of Inquiry-Based Learning I plan on implementing in my future classroom.
  • After the Problem Statement, I have added a section called 'Why?' or  'Why is this a good topic for a lesson?'  It is basically a few points rationalizing what the purpose of turning that idea into a lesson is.  
  • I have tagged each entry based on the 6 neXt Lesson competencies as well as subject area.  In his session on Blogging as Portfolio, George Couros made a good point about organizing your blog with tags so that individual competencies or subjects can be accessed by themselves.  This reflects how a resume would be organized into categories.
  • I have put a scale at the end of the entries that shows where on the neXt Lesson continuum the idea falls in each competency (see below).
1. Collaboration: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation
2. Knowledge Construction: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation
3. Real-World Problem Solving & Innovation: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation
4. Skilled Communication: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation
5. Self-Regulation: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation
6. Use of ICT for Learning: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation

While making the above changes to my entries, I realized I could fairly easily improve each idea with a few tweaks.  Hopefully this realization will help me create more 'transformative' ideas going forward.

Also, I'm a day behind because this blogging is hard work!  I'll catch up over the weekend.

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