Friday, May 17, 2013

Coming in the near future...

This blogging business is hard work! But it's helping me really understand how I would be able to apply the neXt Lesson framework in my own classes.  

I'm a day behind but I will catch up this long weekend.  Here are a few topics I plan on blogging about in the next few weeks in addition to the daily lesson ideas (I figure if I put them down here then it's a lot more likely that I will actually do them):

  1. Minecraft and Education - how education can be more like Minecraft and how Minecraft can be used to teach 21st Century Fluencies (also Gamification and Game-Based Learning).
  2. Problem-Based Learning - I'd like to flesh out how I think about it and see it happening in my math/science classrooms and some potential problems with it
  3. Global Citizenship Education (GCE) and 21st Century Fluencies - at OISE, I was in the Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development cohort.  I would like to try to reconcile some of the incompatibilities of the GCE frameworks I studied with the neXt Lesson Framework
  4. Maps - I like maps.  I think they are useful tools for teachers and students.  More about this later...

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