Thursday, May 23, 2013

Falling Behind

I'm falling behind!  Right now I'm in the middle of an entry on canoe tripping that was supposed to be for yesterday but I will probably end up posting tomorrow.  I'll be catching up on the weekend.

The Civil Engineer in me just felt like posting some stuff on subways (that may or may not have to do with education).

**I have decided to blog in Helvetica for this entry because it's famous for being the typeface of New York's  subway system (usually, my blog is in Trebuchet).  Actually, I do like the Toronto Subway Font, which according to Wikipedia is based on Futura.  Note to self: do an entry on fonts.

1. Here is a gif from a blogTO article depicting the history of Toronto's subway system using TTC Station Buttons (that can be ordered from the Spacing Store).

2. This next site has line drawings of subway systems from all over the world to scale. Toronto actually isn't as small comparitively as I thought...


3. Antonio Jorge Goncalves, a guy who sketches people on public transit all over the world.  Interesting pastime.  I should try it sometime.  Here's the link:

There are also a bunch of sites that have collections of sketches of people on subways in Toronto.  Is it sad if I was looking for myself in one of them?  I caught a guy sketching me on a bus once.

4. The awesomeness of this image speaks for itself.  I think subway maps are an interesting way of presenting relationships between concepts visually as an alternative to mind maps or concept maps.  There's a lesson in that.

Speaking of lessons, maybe a good idea would be to model Toronto in Minecraft and design an ideal subway system for it.  That would be cool.  Actually, I might go do that myself.  See you in 3 months...

While your waiting for my return, heres a link to a Super Mario Brothers 3 version of the Toronto Subway Map:

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