Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 9 - Crossing the Chasm

The problem... 

Experiment with designs and materials to build a structure that enables a truck to cross a chasm (between 2 desks).    

  • Build an intuitive understanding of forces and load paths
  • Make use of the engineering design process
  • Encourage collaboration, knowledge construction and real-world problem solving

Ode to the Bridge Builder...

While reading this blog post, feel to play what I like to think of as the Anthem of Civil Engineers: Ode to the Bridge Builder by the awesome Kyle Gabler from the awesome game World of Goo (available for desktop, iOS, Wii and more)

Bridges are awesome (I use the word awesome a lot when I talk about Civil Engineering stuff because it is all awesome.  Big + heavy + awe-inspiring = awesome).  

The bridge building challenge has been a key go-to for physics and science teachers.  Usually it goes something like:  use the provided materials (toothpicks, spaghetti, balsa wood) to span the gap between two desks.  The team with the bridge that supports the most weight is the winner.  Its Collaborative nature also makes it a standard team-building exercise.  I want to pull this classic into the 21st Century by tweaking the challenge a bit.

Into the 21st Century...

The modifications I would make are as follows:

  • Success Criteria: Bridge is able to support the weight of a (weighted toy) truck crossing over it while satisfying the constraints.  
  • The usual challenge of building the bridge that supports the most weight isn't representative of Real-World Problem Solving.  Instead, if a teacher chooses to make it a competition, the winner may be the cheapest bridge (the ethics of the lowest bidder standard is a good discussion topic in classes!)
  • Instead of providing the students with the materials to build the bridge, provide them with nothing.  They will have to experiment to find out what materials are best to use.
  • Real constraints!  Set a material price limit.  I would set this very low (a few dollars?) to prevent them from using just a straight 2x4 or steel which would be acceptable based on the success criteria.
  • Make the span huge.  Note: huge is a relative term.  It depends on how long you want students to spend on it!

Time to Play...
Students may want to dive straight into the building of the bridge but it should be stressed that they should do some research and planning before building.  This doesn't have to be boring research though.  It can be hands on and engaging.

Having the students decide what materials to use supports Knowledge Construction.  Students will have to experiment with a host of materials, taking into account their strength, weight, and cost.  They will also need to decide what to affix the members together (if it even ends up being constructed with multiple members).  

Physically experimenting with different designs can be time consuming, and time is money.  Student can experiments with different designs using simulations instead.  I say the more fun, the better.  Save the boring simulations for the pros (at least in younger grades).  Although World of Goo is not your typical physics simulation program, it helps develop an intuitive understanding of structural design (as long as they are reflecting on what they build and how they can improve their designs while playing).  Another (free) web-based game that is more specifically for bridge design is called Cargo Bridge.  Ultimately, the groups should decide what simulation program they would like to use.  

Screenshot from World of Goo

Curriculum Connections...

I see this activity as at the beginning of a physics course or at the beginning of a unit on forces.  It is a good formative assessment for a teacher to learn about students' preconceptions about forces and building.  During the design process, students can analyse the external forces in the structure, a part of the grade 12 physics curriculum.  If done at the beginning of the unit, the teacher can use it as context for the rest of the unit.  

1. Collaboration: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation
2. Knowledge Construction: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusiontransformation
3. Real-World Problem Solving & Innovation: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusiontransformation
5. Self-Regulation: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation
6. Use of ICT for Learning: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusiontransformation

Future blog topics...
  • Formalize the engineering design process

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