Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 20 - To Scale...

The Problem...

Create an ICT artifact that expresses the scale of the really big and really small.

  • Keep things in perspective!
  • Creative expression in Science class
  • Facilitate self-regulation
  • Facilitate a more intuitive understanding of scale of things discussed in Science

Scale Misconceptions

There are a bunch of Science misconceptions that come from a lack of understanding of scale.  Here is a video about one of these by Misconception Specialist Derrick Muller of the YouTube Channel Veritasium.

The scale of really big stuff and really small stuff can be really hard to comprehend.  Here are some ways that people have tried making it easier:

1. Original Powers of 10 Video
Old school, but effective!  There is also a good Simpsons couch gag parody of the Powers of 10.

2. Scale of the Universe 2 App -
Interactive scale app.  The Planck Length, the Universe, and everything in between.

3. This pic from I F______ Love Science

4. Khan Academy Video: Scale of the Large: Attempting to comprehend the scale of the large

In a Class...

Most of the Grade 9 Science course revolves around the very small (atoms and electricity) and the very large (astronomy) and this activity would be perfect for that class.  

I would present the above examples to a class and have them create their own artifact to illustrate scale with objects from throughout the course.  It could be a long-term project that is introduced at the beginning of the course.  The students collect the data throughout.  As an ICT Artifact, students could continue to contribute as they move through the grades.  It would serve as a good anchor point for some big concepts throughout the Science Curriculum.

There are tons of different ways students could present the data: infographics, videos, images, apps and more.  I would keep the project relatively open to facilitate Self-Regulation.  As the teacher, I would provide them with feedback as they build their artifact over the course as well as providing students to critique others.


2. Knowledge Construction: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation
4. Skilled Communication: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation
5. Self-Regulation: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation
6. Use of ICT for Learning: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation

Future Lesson Ideas...
  • Create a directory of unit equivalencies (ie. 1 Newton is approximately the weight of an apple on Earth)

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