Monday, April 29, 2013

Finally Bloggin'

Following the recommendation of my Internship Supervisor and the example of several prominent educators (such as Dan Meyer), I have decided to blog for the duration of my internship with 21C/Academic ICT at the TCDSB. 

The neXt Lesson is a TDCSB framework intended to aid teachers in designing lessons for the 21st century classroom.  I believe the neXt Lesson addresses the growing need for a change in the way educators approach the classroom as well as the public perception of education by providing teachers with a foundation from which they can build engaging and relevant lessons for 21st century learners.  Here is my understanding of the breakdown of the framework:

The neXt Blog

This is the plan: each day I will record one lesson idea that would hopefully exemplify the neXt Lesson.  The purpose of the blog is to help me develop a repertoire of useful lesson ideas that will help me in my future practice in addition to help me contribute to the 21C/AICT team during my internship.  At the end of each entry, I will include a list of the competencies that idea encompasses and what level on the continuum it falls under (see below). This will hopefully give me a better understanding of what 21st Century Learning would actually look like in a classroom.

1. Collaboration: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation
2. Knowledge Construction: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation
3. Real-World Problem Solving & Innovation: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation
4. Skilled Communication: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation
5. Self-Regulation: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation
6. Use of ICT for Learning: entry - adoption - adaptation - infusion - transformation

The idea is that these are lessons I would actually use as a high school teacher so they will most likely be math/science related.  They can be ideas for new lessons or old lessons I used during my practica, unit planning at OISE, guitar teaching or tutoring that will be modified to fit the framework.  I have no clue if this is at all possible but I'm going to give it a shot.  Wish me luck...

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